When I was around 4 or 5 years old, my parents bought me a VHS copy of the movie, Matilda. From the first time I watched it, I knew it was a movie that I would love to watch again and again. Soon, it became my favorite movie as a child.
One of the reasons why I loved the movie, Matilda, so much was the fact that it was about a little girl, who had special powers. I enjoyed how someone so small could possess such great abilities, and how she used it for good reasons. This sent me the message that even though you're just a small, young girl, you can make a difference in some way. Another reason is that I liked how the movie advocated the importance and benefits of reading. It was seen on how at a young age, she (Matilda) learned to love reading. Growing up, I've never really understood why people loved to read but as the years went by, I started to love reading. In a way, that movie helped me realize my passion for reading books and the importance of it. Finally, the movie showed me hope for the better. At such a young age, Matilda was subjected to a family that doesn't love her and a principal that hurts her. Despite this, life changes for the better when Matilda meets the caring and loving Ms. Honey (her teacher), who loves her and understands her. Through Matilda's experiences, I saw that no matter how bad things get, life will turn around for the better, so don't lose all hope.
It is for all those reasons that the movie, Matilda, became my favorite movie as a child. One day, I hope that younger generations will watch this movie and see the value in it. Who knows? It might end up also being their favorite childhood movie.
Source of photo: http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BNTYxNDEyMDQ1MF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODcxMDYyMQ@@._V1._SY317_CR6,0,214,317_.jpg
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